San Pasqual High

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SPHS College & Career Center

Click HERE to see who's hiring in the community! 
 Click  HERE for links to the Community Service opportunities in the pictures above.
Don't forget to pick up a community service log from the College and Career Center to log your hours!
An apprenticeship is a training program that allows you to learn new skills and gain recognized qualifications while working. They take one to four years to complete depending on their level. Check out the links below for different pathways!

*FREE ONLINE tutoring for all 9-12th grade students through (especially as finals are coming up).

*This summer all rising 11th grade students will have the option to sign up for a series of Senior Success Workshops where they will be awarded $200.00 at the end of the workshop series.

*Graduating seniors will have the opportunity to sign up for a series of workshops to help them successfully transition into post-secondary and will be awarded $150.00 for completing the series.

*During the month of June, there will be a series of virtual college tours every weekend. 

Students can apply to TRIO ETS on the website: by clicking on APPLY NOW. They also have an option of requesting an informative session if they need more information.

The Academy at Virginia Randolph
  • Jan 14 & 15 :FSA ID Creation support (Seniors Only)
  • Jan.16 : Job Search Workshop @ 1:00 PM in the Career Canter
  • Jan 17:  Navy Tabling 
  • Jan. 22: Financial Aid Evening Support 
  • Jan. 24: SD Fire & Rescue Presentation
  • Jan. 29: SJVC (San Juaquin Valley College) Presentation
15,000+ School Bus Stock Illustrations ...Upcoming Field Trips:
**Stop by the Career Center to pick up your permission slip!
  • Feb. 21: ETI (Electrical Training Institute)
  • April 9: USC (University of Southern CA)