Welcome to the World of CTE
Career and Technical Education
is a term that applies to schools, institutions, and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation
This page will provide information on CTE options and how to start planning for them.
Click here for a video that showcases different community college CTE programs throughout San Diego County.
Click here to complete an online career assessment (English)
For information about the Escondido Adult School, click
Career Search Assessment & Job Sector Information
The San Diego Workforce Partnership has developed a great site where students can find out about growing job sectors in San Diego County. Click
HERE to begin your search.
SOCAL (Student Opportunities for Career Awareness and Learning) is a collaborative effort between various organizations that highlight careers in North County San Diego. Please visit
www.socalworkforce.org to review short videos spotlighting several occupations in high-growth areas in North County.
Did you know you can learn a new skill AND get paid while you learn it? Apprenticeships mix classroom instruction with on-the-job training and usually lead to a permanent position. Click
HERE to explore different apprenticeship opportunities in San Diego county.
College & Career Fair Workshop:
This presentation is designed to help senior students research Career Technical Education programs that will fit their needs. Below are the materials reviewed during our presentation