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Counseling » College Planning

College Planning

Welcome to the College Planning page! Here you will find information vital to your post-high school planning. Feel free to see your counselor if you need more information, or visit The SPHS College and Career Center.



Road to College Presentation
Are you interested in attending a Cal State University? CSU Mentor is the one stop for all your Cal State needs. On CSU Mentor you will be able to explore the different campuses, information about planning for a CSU, financial aid information, testing information, and apply to a CSU. Click the link below to start your CSU planning.


The Common Application
Are you considering an out-of-state college or university? How about a private university? The Common App has nearly 700 college and universities you can explore, and apply for using one application. Visit Common App today and begin exploring the right college or university for you.
For common application video tutorials, please click here.


University of California
Do you see yourself at one of the nine UC campuses, but you just don't know which one? Visit the University of California website (link below) for information on the nine campuses. On the website you will also find information regarding the requirements for admission and how to pay for a UC.


Palomar College
Not sure if a 4-year college is for you? Do you want to earn an associates degree then transfer to a 4-year college? Want to learn a skill or trade, and earn a certificate? Palomar College is for you. Palomar College has over 250 degree and certificate programs. Visit the Palomar College website to begin looking at your Junior College options.


Explore and Compare Community Colleges
Explore over 100 community college campus in California with just one website. You can also use this website to apply for any one of the community colleges in California. This following link is your one stop shop to your community college needs.



Helpful links:
Click HERE for the UC Personal Insight Questions worksheet.
Click HERE for an article on the updated Common Application essay prompts.
Click HERE for free college essay resources.
Click HERE for resources from San Diego County Office of Education.
Are You Ready For Testing Season?
SAT/ACT/PSAT Test info
Before you register for a test, make sure you know which portions of the test you need to register for (check with the institutions/programs you are applying to).  Some colleges want to see writing portions (essays) or subject tests.
To register for the SAT, visit  Make sure you know which portions of the test you need to register for (check with the institutions you are applying to).  Some colleges want to see writing portions (essays) or subject tests.
To register for the ACT, visit
If you receive free or reduced lunch, come see your counselor to get a fee waiver.  This allows you to take the tests for free!
Taking the PSAT allows students to prepare for the SAT.  When your PSAT/NMSQT scores are ready online, you'll get an email with instructions to log in (if you already have an account) or on creating your College Board account, going to your online score report, and using your access code to view your scores.  For students that took the PSAT October 16, 2019, test booklets will be handed out around Dec 10th.
All students will receive their PSAT test results online and can and access to Khan academy's free personalized test prep program online. 
Want to learn how to read PSAT scores?  Please click HERE to access a video.
Want to learn how to link up your College Board and Khan Academy accounts?  Please click HERE.
Click HERE for SAT/ACT/PSAT/AP test prep resources.
Click HERE for the SPHS Parent Club practice SAT schedule.
 Create a SHMOOP account!
SHMOOP is a free online test prep program for AP, SAT, ACT, and CAASPP exams.   Click HERE for more information.
The common application
The Common Application is a single online college application form used by over 700 colleges and universities. Instead of filling out the same general information—like your address, GPA, and extracurriculars— a dozen times, you only have to do it once. The Common App dashboard also helps you track necessary application documents (like your letters of recommendation) and important deadlines.
Click HERE for a tutorial on how to create a common application account.